
Apple iCloud Email Invites Leak

electronic devices

If the various rumors come to fruition, October may be the biggest month in Apple’s long, evolving history. iPhone 5, iOS 5 and iCloud computing are the primary items feeding the buzz, and thanks to a leaked email, it seems Apple users could be getting access to the iCloud a little sooner than expected.

Or not.

While the iCloud setup page returns a “cannot be found” message, the email discussed by Apple Insider looks legitimate. Apparently, one of their contributors received the invite yesterday, and although the linked contained within is not active, the potential for flexibility across Apple’s family of mobile devices is apparent. The thing is, in order to take advantage of what the service offers, you’ll need at least two devices with iTunes installed — or, at least two Apple devices — otherwise, you wouldn’t really be sharing the content, would you?

As for the email, a screenshot follows:

Welcome to iCloud

As indicated, the link within the email is supposed to take the reader to the iCloud setup page, a page that is not active at the moment. As AppleInsider points out, not only is the setup page not active, Apple’s iCloud homepage has “Coming this Fall” disclaimer in the upper left hand corner. In case you aren’t sure what iCloud offers, here’s the description directly from Apple:

iCloud stores your music, photos, apps, calendars, documents, and more. And wirelessly pushes them to all your devices — automatically. It’s the easiest way to manage your content. Because now you don’t have to.

Basically, you upload the files and docs to iCloud and from there, you’ll be able to access the content from any Apple device. Did you or anyone you know receive a similar email? If so, did you or the recipient gain access to the setup stage? Does iCloud sound like something you want to take advantage of?

Let us know what you think.