
The Facebook Timeline, as Pitched by Don Draper

If you learn one thing from this video, it’s that Don Draper is a much better pitchman than the notoriously awkward Mark Zuckerberg. Maybe if Zuck put on a slick 60s suit and started chain smoking Lucky Strikes during Facebook events…

Adapted from the hit AMC show Mad Men, this viral vid shows Don Draper making an emotional pitch – for Facebook’s new timeline feature. The Timeline has been receiving a lot of buzz since Zuckerberg announced it at this year’s f8 developers conference.

Timeline will allow users to put their entire lives on the site. Zuckerberg says that you can “tell the whole story of your life on a single page.” You’ll be able to see pictures, events, statuses, and much more basically from your birth up to present time. Facebook thinks that it will revolutionize social sharing. This extremely well-done video shows exactly how Facebook should pitch their new feature (from user EricLeist) –

In the original Mad Men episode, that scene it taken from a pitch that Don Draper makes for the Carousel, a new slide projector from Kodak. The main draw, he argues, is nostalgia.

Is that the selling point of Facebook’s new Timeline? Nostalgia? It sure seems like it. People are already giddy for the ability to track everything they’ve done (most importantly, with photos). Your whole life – all your relationships (good and bad), the birth of your child, the trips with friends, your new house, your first real job – emotional, right?

For Facebook, they get a ton of new information about people and ad opportunities out of the Timeline. But for users, it could be one of the best things to hit social media in a long time. We’ll just have to wait and see.

Watch the original Mad Men clip off which the mash-up is based here.