
Google Launches Blogger Dynamic Views

office tech trends

Google launched what it calls “Dyanmic Views” for its blogging platform Blogger, which gives users seven new ways to display their blogs.

The seven views are: Classic, Flipcard, Magazine, Mosaic, Sidebar, Snapshot and Timeslide. The following video shows them off:

“Dynamic Views is much more than just new templates,” says Google software engineer Antin Harasymiv. “With just a couple clicks, you’ll get infinite scrolling (say goodbye to the “Older posts” link), images that load as you browse, integrated search, sorting by date, label and author, lightbox-style posts for easy viewing, keyboard shortcuts for quickly flipping through posts, and one-click sharing to Google+ and other social sites on every post.”

“No two blogs are the same, so you can choose from seven different views that display text and photos differently,” Harasymiv says. “For example, if you have lots of photos on your blog, you may prefer Flipcard or Snapshot. If your blog is more text-heavy, then Classic, Sidebar (what you’re seeing now on Blogger Buzz) or Timeslide may be preferable. Here’s a quick description of each of the new views, along with links to some of our favorite blogs where you can check each of them out in action.”

To add dynamic views to your blog, you can find them in the Template tab on the dashboard. Readers will be able to view it in whichever they choose, because they’ll have access from a pull-down menu at the top-left of the screen.

I’m not sure all bloggers will be willing to give up control of how their blog looks to users, but it’s kind of cool for users. That said, messing around with the different views on the Gmail Blog presents some pretty horrendous options:

Gmail blog  

Gmail blog

Google says more ways to customize Dynamic Views are on the way.