
Facebook Timeline Parodied, UARS, Matt Cutts Q&A, Robots & Stuff That Will Just Blow Your Mind

We have some very interesting videos for you today. I won’t give away too many spoilers. Just peruse them at your leisure.

View other daily video round-ups here.

First off, the stuff that will blow your mind. UC Berkeley scientists have found a way to use brain activity to recreate moving images. Just, wow:

Google’s Matt Cutts did a live Q&A with webmeisters this week. The video can be conveniently viewed here:

Facebook on how to use the new Open Graph:

Open Graph Tutorial from Cat Lee on Vimeo.

We share a lot of NMA’s videos here at WebProNews. This time, we interviewed them. This is the company that creates the Taiwanese animation videos of a lot of fun news stories:

Here’s their latest video about the new Facebook changes:

Stephen Colbert on the UARS satellite:

Microsoft is putting video on the Bing homepage now:

PopSci shares this video from BostonDynamics of the BigDog robot:

WebProNews interviewed LinkedIn’s connection director about networking better using the social network:

Google uploaded a pair of Google Apps Scripts videos: a tutorial webinar and a video about automating school processes:

Another Google webinar on why and how to go mobile:

Google talks about how it’s chaining the way it approaches working with developers:

Conceptboard shows how it integrated Google+ Hangouts:

“The Engineers’ Drinking Song” performed by The MIT Chorallaries: