
Apple Store Down for Updates

office tech trends

The Apple store at store.apple.com is down for updates. At first, there was no message appearing, but now Apple is saying:

“We’ll be back soon. We are busy updating the store for you and will be back shortly.”

Searching Twitter to see what people are saying about it, I came across this as the top result:

Walked into the Apple store to see a kid pull another kids trouser straight down in front of everyone! I laughed out loud. 23 hours ago via Twittelator · powered by @socialditto

Good job, New Twitter Search!

Apple Store Down for Updates

Then there were some comments about the outage:

Oooo. The Apple store is down. New products on the way? #Wishfulthinking 1 hour ago via web · powered by @socialditto

Yeah, the Apple Store is down. It’s okay though — you can still start your Wednesday. 1 hour ago via web · powered by @socialditto

Oh, Apple Store is down: http://t.co/0dBIqRo – Can’t wait to see what’s new this time! 🙂 1 hour ago via Google+ agent · powered by @socialditto

uhhhh the online Apple Store is down for updates! 2 hours ago via Twitter for iPad · powered by @socialditto

The Apple Store is down! The average Store downtime is about 2 hours and 39 minutes. http://t.co/5cQs7Tu 2 hours ago via IsTheAppleStoreDown.de · powered by @socialditto

Can’t seem to get into UK Apple Store. Down but no message? http://t.co/xuwjzW8 2 hours ago via Twitter for Mac · powered by @socialditto