
Foursquare Business Pages Now Available to All

Foursquare has made brand pages “self-serve”. This means brands can create their own pages, acquire followers, share updates, check-in at places, etc. You know, like a social network.

Foursquare says the announcement is “to the great relief” of its BizDev team. Previously, big brands like MTV, The New York Times, NASA and Tiffany had brand profiles, but now the common small business/organization (or big, for that matter) can join in the fun as well. Here are some key features as described by Foursquare:

  • Reach the whole foursquare community with your Tips and check-ins (and push those check-ins to both Facebook Pages and Twitter).
  • Let entire teams of people manage the same Page. With our new tool, you can make multiple people Page ‘managers,’ so that they can all contribute. It’s perfect for big organizations.
  • From the web or your mobile phone, you can upload photos to your Tips and check-ins. It’s great for making them really shine for all of your followers.
  • And, when your page is complete and you’ve added a few Tips, you’ll be featured in our Page Gallery.

Foursquare Page Gallery

This could be a key move by Foursquare to help push the service more into the mainstream. As far as check-in apps go, it has done pretty well so far, but the more businesses using the service, means the more businesses can offer consumers, giving them more reasons to use the service beyond the novelly of the check-in, badges and mayorships.

As Foursquare says, “This is going to be a big deal.”

RT @foursquare: Pages are now self-serve! A new home for brands & orgs on foursquare. http://t.co/8Q7ps7l <- this is going to be a big deal 14 hours ago via web · powered by @socialditto

BTW, about 30% of @foursquare employees are xooglers! RE http://t.co/1ppvOCR cc @mm @msquinn 8 hours ago via web · powered by @socialditto

Another big deal for Foursquare is the integration with Groupon. A few days ago, it was officially revealed that Groupon and Foursquare have teamed up to offering Groupon Now deals to Foursquare users.