
Google+: Where Are The Women At?


SocialStatistics.com shows stats for over 18,000 Google+ profiles. You can see who has the most friends and followers, as well as various other items. You can see, for example, that Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has the most followers at 110,820, which is quite interesting, considering that he is followed by Google’s own CEO Larry Page (61,678), who also has “0” listed in the Friends column.

Most of the top 50 are made up of the usual suspects in the technology circuit – Robert Scoble, Matt Cutts, Kevin Rose, Jeff Jarvis, etc. Of course various Googlers are in the mix. What is quite interesting, however, is that the overwhelming majority of those currently using Google+ are male, according to this site. That’s 86.9% with 11.6% listed as female. 1.5% are listed as other.

Facebook’s Paul Adams was apparently eager to share these stats (on Google+):

Paul Adams posts Google Plus Stats about women

The stats are only based on those over 18,000 profiles, and recent estimates have Google+ pegged at nearly 5 million users in the U.S. alone.

Interestingly enough, Lynette Young has put up a site: WomenOfGPlus.com showcasing…the women of Google+. She writes, “I started to collect a Google+ circle of women-only (aptly named ‘Women of G+’) and the idea of connecting with early adopter women in a new social networking platform is growing larger in my mind by the minute. I find it stimulating and refreshing to have a list of highly intelligent women on G+ to read every morning over coffee.”

“One thing I’d like to be clear on right from the beginning is that this is not a Women vs. Men thing,” she adds. “It’s a way – my way, / your way – to give ourselves permission as women to toot our own horn and value each other’s contributions. I don’t intend this to be sexist or elitist, but something more like what evolves when smart women get together over drinks and dessert. Brilliant ideas and rock-solid friendships – that’s what.”

Young has apparently even inspired a MenOfGPlus.com. This one is “coming soon” from James Cordeiro, who apparently looks somewhat like Kramer from Seinfeld:

FUN! The boys are playin’ too! : Thats right ladies, The Men of Google+ have arrived. It’s that simple! http://t.co/sHZVFzY via @yougomedia 2 days ago via Tweet Button · powered by @socialditto

Men of Google Plus