
Biz Stone Joins Huffington Post, AOL As Strategic Adviser


Biz Stone, who could already count himself the cofounder of Twitter, a former senior specialist at Google, and a former creative director at Xanga (among other things) can now add one more title to his resume.  This morning, the Huffington Post Media Group and AOL named Stone “Strategic Adviser for Social Impact.”

The development’s arguably a big win for the Huffington Post and AOL.  Twitter’s reputation as cutting-edge tech could do a lot to improve AOL’s image if any sort of partnership eventually results.  And Stone’s advice should be valuable on its own, considering his history of success.

That’s not to say Stone will try to make tons of money for AOL (or receive lots of cash in return for his services).  An official statement on the matter indicated that he’ll just “advise on social impact and cause-based initiatives, develop a platform to facilitate people doing service in their communities, rally other companies to invest in and deploy best corporate practices, and create and develop a video series spotlighting leading companies and executives at the forefront of philanthropy and corporate responsibility.”

Still, AOL might be able to put some of that information to use in other areas.

It sounds like Stone will have the ear of the highest-ranking person around, as well.  AOL CEO Tim Armstrong said in the same statement (which covered a few other topics), “I’m especially thrilled that Biz Stone will be helping us to refine one of our core goals: using innovative approaches to do good and give back while putting a spotlight on solutions.”

We’ll be sure to report anything interesting that occurs as a result of this development.