
The BBC Introduces Food App In Chrome Store

The BBC said today it has launched its first ever custom food app in Google’s Chrome Web Store.

The free app called Good Food, allows users to download over a 160 healthy recipes. The app can be used both online and offline. People can find recipes by using Today’s Pics’, selecting a category, Less than 200 Calories and Healthy Classics, or by using the Advanced Search. The app also features short videos on how to prepare different types of food.




"The BBC has been tremendously successful on the web and mobile around its food brand and we’re really confident that cooks are going to love our latest digital package of recipes,” said Simon Hutson, Director of Digital Development, BBC Worldwide.

“The mouthwatering photography and triple-tested instructions should make the app a go-to destination for new and experienced cooks.”

All recipes are available in U.S. measurements. The app specializes in a line-up of international cuisine that includes Moussaka, Sticky Lemon Chicken, Shrimp Curry in a Hurry, Steak & Kidney Pie and Mexican Chili Burgers.