
Google Lets Advertisers Use Seller Ratings Extensions in Mobile Ads

Google announced that its extending its Seller Ratings extensions for AdWords ads to mobile. These let advertisers show users when they have positive ratings, which can of course inspire clicks. 

"Everyday consumers are using their phones to search Google and a growing number are turning to mobile to complete a variety of purchases," says Anna Khesed with Google’s Mobile Ads Marketing Team. "In fact, according to internal Google data, in Q3 Google searches from mobile devices grew 130% year over year. Additionally, a Mobile Marketing Association study found that 59% of holiday shoppers said they plan to use their mobile phones to facilitate holiday shopping. So this year we are creating a better mobile shopping experience by helping consumers identify highly rated online merchants."

Seller Ratings Extension on Mobile"Having a great online reputation is key," she continues. "Now with Seller Ratings on mobile, businesses can extend this important information from desktop to mobile devices. By showcasing relevant and useful rating information for your business, the extension can help differentiate you from your competition and guide potential customers to purchase from your site. Seller Ratings are aggregated from merchant review sites all around the web and the extension will only show when a merchant’s online store has a rating of four or more stars and at least 30 reviews. As seen in the example below, the ad will display the merchant’s star rating as well as a clickable link to the seller’s reviews."

To maintain positive reviews, Google suggests starting with good customer service (contrary to the exposed practices of one business, which led to Google changing its algorithm). The company also suggests reading the reviews about your business and being proactive about resolving issues. Another thing mentioned on a help page worth noting:

To help ensure that customers submit ratings to the right businesses, be sure to confirm that Google Product Search review sites display the correct business name and website URL for your business listing. Your business name and website URL should be consistent across review sites, and should also be consistent with your Google Merchant Center account if you have one. This helps customers identify the right businesses and helps avoid ratings for other businesses being included within your own seller ratings.

The extensions will automatically transfer to mobile when advertisers are using them for the desktop, but they must already be showing campaigns to users of "high-end devices" with full Internet browsers. The extensions are only available for Google.com, Google.co.uk, and Google.de thus far. 

The extensions can also only be used for advertisers with paid godos or services or those that enable the buying and selling of goods or services. The ratings only apply to the merchants, as opposed to products themselves.

To use the extensions, you can’t use another extension plus box (like product extensions, location extensions, etc.) or sitelinks.