
YouTube Focused On Mobile Growth

YouTube’s very interested in mobile users, and mobile users are also very interested in it, according to a YouTube exec named Francisco Varela.  Varela recently spoke about YouTube’s mobile strategy and success yesterday at a conference in Norway.

Let’s first focus on the present and future.  Kevin Taylor reported that "Varela, head of platform partnerships at YouTube, yesterday told delegates that the company’s new high-end mobile website (codenamed Blazer) would provide a ‘best-in-class’ video search experience from a mobile, and address many of the earlier issues with YouTube mobile services."

More specifically, YouTube’s aiming for a fast mobile interface with options for personalization and access to a comprehensive library of content.

Then, to bring the past into the equation, Varela brought up the fact that YouTube’s mobile traffic grew by over 160 percent in 2009, and Taylor wrote, "[S]trong growth was also expected in 2010."

YouTube Logo

Unfortunately, Varela didn’t make any other forecasts or announcements at the Global Mobile Broadband Forum 2010, leaving everyone more or less in the dark about what happened traffic-wise during the first eight months of the year and what’s on the horizon.

The one thing he hinted at is some level of involvement with mobile operators in order to ensure that data plans are affordable.