
Pandora Launches On TiVo

System76 Pangolin - Credit System76

TiVo has announced the availability of Internet radio service Pandora on all of its broadband-connected TiVo Premiere boxes.

 On TiVo, users can create a new free Pandora account, or sign-in with an existing Pandora accounts and access their current station on television. Users can access Pandora stations created on TiVo or any other platform where they listen to Pandora, including PCs, smartphones and other connected devices.




“The Pandora application brings additional music customization to the all-in-one TiVo box," said Jim Denney, VP and GM of Product Marketing for TiVo.

"With Pandora now available on TiVo Premiere, we offer customers even more options when it comes to music including personalized on-demand radio, audio podcasts, music videos, music from your PC, and more through the TV and with just one remote."

Pandora joins TiVo’s current musical lineup of Rhapsody, Live365, Music Choice and songs connected from a PC or Mac music library.