
Google Testing New Tweaks for Gmail?

Alex Chitu at Google Operating System has spotted some changes in Gmail that Google appears to be testing with some users. Google constantly tests new features in its products, and while some of them go on to become actual features, some of them fade away and never get integrated on a mass scale.

Chitu says, "Here’s what I noticed: there are three links for ‘mail’, ‘contacts"’ and ‘tasks’ below Gmail’s logo, there’s a new button for composing messages, a ‘call phone’ option in Gmail Chat, a drop-down for switching between Google accounts and the options that let you select unread or starred messages use less space."

Chitu has a screenshot here.

Besides trying to get Grandma’s using Gmail’s Video Chat, Google has recently added several other features to Gmail, though it doesn’t seem like the company has been cranking out the Gmail Labs experiments at the rat it was for a while.

This past month, they’ve added some existing HTML5-based functionalities for Safari, as well as rich text signatures.