YouTube Launches Communication Hub for Partners

YouTube has announced the launch of the YouTube Partner Communication Hub. The company calls this the "go-to spot" for ...
YouTube Launches Communication Hub for Partners
Written by Chris Crum

YouTube has announced the launch of the YouTube Partner Communication Hub. The company calls this the "go-to spot" for news on the latest features, updates, and events for partners around the world.

Aside from providing such updates, YouTube says the Hub also provides an easy way to access the site’s various help resources.

YouTube Partner Communication Hub

YouTube says the hub is a place to:

  • Connect with other partners in our Partner Help Forum
  • Connect to our Partner Help Center
  • Review YouTube’s current site issues
  • View the partner support team’s most recent YouTube video
  • Receive site updates and announcements
  • Keep up-to-date with YouTube blogs
  • Get optimization tips

The Hub has a feed that you can add to your reader to stay up to date.

YouTube also announced Google Moderator integration across all of its channels today. This should be big for video providers, who can use the information obtained from viewers participating with the tool, to enhance their content and theoretically boost views.

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