
Thieves Rip Finger Flesh Off iPad Buyer

In Denver, a man bought an iPad for a friend at the Apple Store in Cherry Creek Mall, but soon after had it stolen by thieves, who ripped the flesh off his finger while taking it.

The victim, Bill Jordan, told local media he had the cords of the bag tied around his hand, and when one of the thieves yanked it, he couldn’t let go, and it literally tore the flesh off his finger, leaving nothing but bone.

"I never hear it coming, I never see it coming," he told Denver’s FOX31. "I just remember this kid pulling and pulling and pulling and it got caught?took the flesh right off, the tendons and everything. There was nothing but bone." A doctor told him they’d have to amputate the finger.


At this point the two thieves are still out there as police continue the search. Denver’s’ CBS4 has a quote from Jordan, telling the thieves, "I hope you understand what you’ve done to my life and my family’s life for a simple piece of apparatus that’ll be junk in a couple of years."

We know there is a great amount of iPad demand in the U.S. (they’ve postponed releasing it overseas for this reason), but this is ridiculous. Looking past the sick outcome of this crime, Jordan is absolutely right as well. The first generation iPad won’t be so in demand two years from now.