
Google Introduces iPad Targeting

AdWords users who feel an urge to target iPad owners can now do so without reaching out to people carrying Android devices and iPhones, as well.  Google’s added an option to its "networks and devices" screen that’ll allow advertisers to adopt a narrow focus.

A post on the Inside AdWords blog announced late yesterday, "[W]e feel confident adding the iPad to the list of mobile devices that you can target specifically.  To do this, simply edit the ‘Devices’ section in your Campaign Settings, and select the iPad under ‘Advanced device and carrier options.’"

The post later continued, "Also, remember that you can promote your iPhone/iPad or Android apps directly by linking to the download URL in your ads.  This way people can download your app straight from your ads.  To make things easier, we’ll handle the device targeting automatically when these ads show on mobile devices."

These developments show that Google is continuing to view the iPad as a very significant device, and considers the mobile market one of its top priorities.

Perhaps the more interesting matter will be whether AdWords users share the same outlook (iPad owners will tend to be early adopters with a fair amount of disposable income, after all), or if Google’s efforts in this area will go unappreciated.