
Google: No More Core Updates This Year

Google on MacBook - Image by Juan Francia

Site admins and SEOs can breathe a sigh of relief, with Google confirming there will be no new core update this year.

Core updates are changes to the algorithm Google uses for its search rankings. Depending on the amount of change, a core update can wreak havoc on a website’s standings.

Going into the holiday season, many SEOs and site admins were likely worried about the possibility of another core update before the end of the year, one that could negatively impact their during the season business.

Google Search Advocate John Mueller has put everyone’s mind at ease in a tweet:

FWIW, just to be clear, there’s no core update lined up for the rest of the year. That doesn’t mean there won’t be visible changes; the linkspam & HCS updates are still rolling out ( https://developers.google.com/search/updates/ranking ), and, Search continues to reflect changes across the web.

John Mueller (@JohnMu), December 16, 2022