
USPS Poised to Significantly Increase EV Procurement

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The United States Postal Service (USPS) is poised to more than double the number of electric vehicles (EVs) it plans to procure.

The USPS plans to purchase new delivery vehicles as part of its modernization efforts.

The U.S. Postal Service today announced it anticipates adjusting the purchase interval and composition of its delivery fleet. The adjustments reflect refinements to the Postal Service’s overall network modernization, route optimizations, improved facility electric infrastructure, and availability of vehicles and technology. The proposed expanded fleet mix will include purpose built Next Generation Delivery Vehicles (NGDVs) and commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) vehicles, and the network adjustments and attendant economies will facilitate substantially increased deployment of battery electric vehicles (BEVs).

The agency is now planning for BEVs to comprise 50% of new procurements, totaling 25,000 vehicles.

Now, under the new adjusted scope for the Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (SEIS), the Postal Service proposes to limit its Decision to the 50,000 NGDV already purchased and to raise the minimum NGDV BEV percentage to at least 50 percent.

The agency’s plans are not surprising given the emphasis the Biden administration has placed on tackling climate change. The procurement will also be a nice boost to the EV industry.