Discord Exploring Sale for $10 Billion

Discord is exploring a possible sale for $10 billion, as gaming and communication take on greater importance....
Discord Exploring Sale for $10 Billion
Written by Matt Milano

Discord is exploring a possible sale for $10 billion, as gaming and communication take on greater importance.

Discord made its name as a service that allowed gamers to communicate with each. The service is especially popular among players of multiplayer games, as it provides a way for large groups of people to communicate effectively.

Most recently, Discord began to pivot to chat as digital platforms became key to companies and individuals remaining connected and productive during the pandemic. That growth has helped propel Discord to new heights, and the company is looking to cash in with a possible sale, according to GamesBeat.

“I know they are in active discussions with a select few parties,” one source said. “The market is in a state where they could command strong double-digit billions of dollars.”

Much of Discord’s demand stems from the increased popularity of gaming during the pandemic. As individuals have remained in lockdown, gaming has become an even more popular pastime, with social gaming serving as an important way for people to maintain social connections.

The ultimate decision will rest with Discord CEO Jason Citron, although a $10 billion sale is a powerful motivator.

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