Intel Delays 7nm Processors Due to a Defect

Intel has announced it is delaying its release of 7nm processors due to a defect....
Intel Delays 7nm Processors Due to a Defect
Written by Matt Milano

Intel has announced it is delaying its release of 7nm processors due to a defect.

Intel announced its quarterly results, which were overall positive. The company reported revenue of $19.7 billion, a 20% increase year-over-year. The company also reported that its 10nm transition has accelerated. This is especially good news for the company, given that it has infamously struggled to transition to 10nm and keep up with demand.

“It was an excellent quarter, well above our expectations on the continued strong demand for computing performance to support cloud-delivered services, a work- and learn-at-home environment, and the build-out of 5G networks,” said Bob Swan, Intel CEO. “In our increasingly digital world, Intel technology is essential to nearly every industry on this planet. We have an incredible opportunity to enrich lives and grow this company with a continued focus on innovation and execution.”

Unfortunately, it wasn’t all good news. The company is delaying the transition to 7nm processors as a result of a defect that caused yield degradation. As a result, the company’s plans have been set back by six months.

This keeps Intel behind the eight ball competitively. Apple’s custom silicon is 7nm, and AMD also has 7nm chips. Intel is already loosing Apple in large part because of its inability to remain competitive. This delay is not going to help the chipmaker’s situation with its other clients.

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