
Small ISP Permanently Ends Data Caps

Antietam Broadband

Antietam Broadband, based in Maryland, has boldly gone where big ISPs fear to tread: It has removed data caps permanently.

Many ISPs have data caps, but have temporarily waived them as more people are working and learning from home during the pandemic. Antietam Broadband, however, has decided its time for data caps to go the way of the dodo.

“These are uncertain times,” said Brian Lynch, President, Antietam Broadband. “We felt a need to give customers as much certainty over their bill as possible. Eliminating data usage caps means that customers will know the exact amount of their broadband bill every month.”

The company credits what it has learned during the pandemic for its decision to end the caps. As more people have come to rely on their internet service, the company has seen a trend toward people moving toward plans that better matched up with their needs.

“Since the pandemic began, we have seen as much increase in broadband usage as we generally would see over the course of a year,” continued Lynch.

Antietam Broadband is to be commended for putting its customers’ interests and needs first. Here’s to hoping some of the bigger ISPs will follow suit.