
How Google Doodles Get Made

Google recently posted a video offering an inside look on how Google Doodles Get Made, focusing in on the Lotte Reiniger Doodle. How Google make’s its Doodles is actually quite involved as you will see in the video at the end of this article.

This behind the scenes look is a product of Nat & Lo, two enthusiastic and funny Google employees who are using their 20% time to give viewers an inside look at various products and things happening at Google. Nat is Natalie Hammel, a writer at Google Creative Lab who’s been with Google since 2010. Nat’s partner in this project is Lorraine Yurshansky (Lo), who is the Consulting Executive Producer/Creative, Google Creative Lab. Lo’s been with Google since 2008.

The duo have done cool and interesting behind the scenes videos on Terra Bella, which is Google’s Satellite Startup, Waze, Google Translate and many more. They started doing the Google Behind the Scene’s videos in July 2015:

Nat & Lo:

For a while now we wanted to know more about how the Google Doodles get made. Recently we got to meet the Doodle team and see some of the Doodles they are working on. In this episode (below) we are giving you an inside look on how the Lotte Reiniger Doodle was made. Later this summer we are going to create a couple more episodes about upcoming Doodles from the Doodles team.

For this episode let’s travel back in time to Germany 1899…