
Nicole Lovell Murder Plotted at Fast-Food Restaurant


Nicole Lovell is the 13-year-old Virginia girl whose body was discovered nearly a week ago about 80 miles away from her home. Virginia Tech students David Eisenhauer and Natalie Keepers have been arrested for her murder. Details of that murder are slowly making their way to the media, with this latest one especially disturbing.

It was while eating at a fast-food restaurant called the Cook Out–located in Blacksburg, Virginia, that Eisenhauer and Keepers allegedly plotted to kill Nicole Lovell and dispose of her body. This detail became known on Thursday as a prosecutor argued against granting bail for Natalie Keepers.

Keepers, a 19-year-old Virginia Tech sophomore, is accused of being an accessory to murder before the fact, concealing a body, and being an accessory to murder after the fact. Eisenhauer, an 18-year-old freshman at Virginia Tech, stands accused of both kidnapping and killing Nicole Lovell.

Fox News reports that Keepers’ motive in the murder was that she was “excited to be part of something secretive and special.” Bail for Natalie Keepers was denied.

David Eisenhauer allegedly told Natalie Keepers he would lure Nicole Lovell from her home, take her to a remote location, and slit her throat with a knife, according to prosecutor Mary Pettitt.

Investigators believe Eisenhauer may have had an inappropriate relationship with the 13-year-old, and that she was threatening to expose it. They think this was the motive for the murder. Keepers allegedly helped Eisenhauer move Nicole Lovell’s body into the trunk of his Lexus, after which the two went to purchase cleaning supplies.

David Eisenhauer hasn’t confessed to killing Nicole Lovell, nor did he lead investigators to her body.

It’s obvious that many details from this horrific case are still under wraps. In the meantime, Nicole Lovell’s family is left with the kind of grief and anguish that will haunt them for the rest of their days.

How shocking is it that these Virginia Tech students plotted her murder over a fast-food meal in such a callous manner?