
Britney Spears: Is She Channeling Her Inner Albert Einstein?

Britney Spears has fans wondering what kind of education she’s been catching up on. In recent months she admitted to taking some math classes so she can help her sons with their math homework, however a recent Instagram post lends itself to something completely different from what her children are doing in school.

Spears started off on Thursday by posting an Instagram photo of herself either pre or post-workout.

“Enough said,” she captioned herself pointing to a shirt that reads “Mean People Suck.”

It’s the next two posts, however, that are throwing her fans off.

Britney Spears captioned this next one, “Learn something new everyday! ?” But what the heck?

If you can make heads or tails out of that mess, then you should be working for NASA. That definitely isn’t math for average people.

“Holy crap that’s a lot of equations,” Adrien Viani, an economic policy grad student at Boston University, commented. “Honestly, it looks like a study sheet for a class.”

Then Britney Spears shared this next post of Albert Einstein.

“Just an old buddy… we go way back ?” she wrote.

Just an old buddy… we go way back ?

A photo posted by Britney Spears (@britneyspears) on

It will certainly be interesting to learn if Britney Spears has, in fact, been channeling her inner Albert Einstein or if she’s just into challenging people to reach higher and achieve more.

Most fans would put big bucks on the notion that Britney Spears couldn’t possibly figure out the equations in that second Instagram post.

Do you know anyone who could?