
Demi Moore Reportedly Gets Acupuncture for Her Chihuahua

We all know that if you have money, you can afford to spend it on things that the rest of the population would probably laugh at. We know that Demi Moore has money.

We also know that everyone loves their pets, sometimes as if they were children. Demi Moore is no different.

That’s why this story probably shouldn’t surprise you, but it’s funny nonetheless.

According to US Weekly, Demi Moore is really into improving the spiritual and physical wellbeing of her pet Chihuahua, Vida Blue.

According to a “source”, Demi spends about $715 biweekly for doggie acupuncture.

Yep, little Chihuahua acupuncture.

“There’s nothing wrong with her dog,” the source told US Weekly. The G.I. Jane actress, 53, “is just really into holistic food and medicine for her animals, the way she is for herself.”

Fair enough.