
Sandra Bullock on Hollywood Sexism: “I’m Glad They Got Caught”

There’s been a lot of talk recently about the gender pay gap, and though it’s an issue all over the country, its existence in Hollywood has come to the forefront – due to the high visibility of the women involved.

For Sandra Bullock, sure, it’s about the money. But Hollywood sexism is much deeper than that.

“It’s a bigger issue than money. I know we’re focused on the money part right now. That’s just a byproduct,” said Bullock in a recent Variety article.

She goes on to describe blatant sexism she experienced while filming a movie about a decade ago (no specifics on which film), calling it the “worst experience [she’s] ever had.”

My mother basically raised me as, “Women can do everything men can do. Don’t get married. Blaze your own trail.” And I didn’t think others thought any differently. I always thought we are all equal, and we are. I was actually doing a film about 10 years ago, and I found myself yelling and being angry. And I was like, “What is happening to me?” I was literally fearful. And I realized, it’s because I’m female. It dawned on me. At that day and age, at that point in my career, it was the worst experience I ever had.

I was destroyed, because you can’t unsee something. Was I so naïve up to this point to actually think that I was on an equal level with everybody? It was the way I was being treated, because I was female, versus the way others were being treated. It took me a while. It took a year and a half, where I regrouped, and thought, “Okay, this is an isolated case.” I’ve had other subtle experiences, but nothing that blatant. It was a big eye opener, because it wasn’t just men on women. A lot if came from women as well. The blessing of that film was that it opened my eyes.

Bullock is one of many Hollywood leading ladies to speak up on this as of late. Sienna Miller recently talked about being paid much less than her male co-star in q Broadway play, and Jennifer Lawrence recently made headlines with an essay on this problem. In a piece called Why Do I Make Less Than My Male Co-Stars, Lawrence said she was mad at herself when she realized she was being paid less than her male counterparts.

Some stars aren’t as willing to discuss it, however.