
eBay Asks Sellers What They Think About Reducing Search Results

eBay appears to be thinking about limiting the number of listings it shows in search results to just five, with a link to see more. Currently, it shows fifty listings with the option for users to choose to display 25, 100, or 200.

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EcommerceBytes reports that eBay has been sending a survey around to sellers asking them how they would feel about limiting product searches to the five “most relevant” search items. According to the report, these are questions eBay asked:

How important is it to you to minimize the buyer’s search results to the most relevant items?

How would you feel if a product search on eBay showed buyers only the top 5 most relevant search items? A link to see the other items would be provided.

How would you feel if searches on eBay continued to return all items that match the search criteria, as is the case today?

I’m not sure why users wouldn’t want to see as many results as possible as long as they’re sorted according to relevance, but at least they’re asking sellers about it.

This was only one part of the survey, which according to EcommerceBytes, also included questions about fees, daily deals, advertising, and drop-shipping.

Images via eBay