
PornHub Is Trying to Get You to Pay for Porn

Pornhub, the internet’s most-popular site for free porn videos, wants you to pay for porn.

Not any old porn, mind you. Premium porn.

The company has just launched Pornhub Premium, a $9.99-per-month subscription service that gives you access to over 100,000 high-def videos, 13,000+ full DVDs, 1080p streaming, and higher quality on non-premium videos – all ad-free. Pornhub Premium also provides exclusive content from many of the biggest names in porn production, like Brazzers and Reality Kings.

Basically, Pornhub is billing this as the Netflix of porn.

Will Pornhub sign some people up for this? Probably – there’s sure to be demand for high-quality streams. Some people do get sick of potato-quality porn.

But the inherent problem with a subscription porn service is that there’s so much free porn out there. Not just on Pornhub, but everywhere. Everywhere.

And hey, as they said in the above tweet, the free stuff isn’t going anywhere. Can’t blame a site for trying to make a little bit of money – and at least they are providing a lot of content behind this paywall.

There’s a free 7-day trial if you’re interested.