
Luke Bryan, Wife Raising His Late Sister’s Children

Luke Bryan and his wife Caroline Boyer are raising his late sister’s children, and the country singer is honored to be doing so.

Bryan’s sister died suddenly back in 2007. Her husband, Ben Lee Cheshire, died this past November, leaving their three teenagers orphaned.

“You don’t want to sound like you love having them so much that you’re glad it’s the situation, but we’re honored to be doing what we feel was the right thing,” Luke Bryan says in thelatest issue of Billboard magazine.

The “Kick Up Dust” singer and his wife already have two children. Adding three to their mix more than doubles their numbers, but doubles the love, too. Luke Bryan’s sister’s son is just 13, and lives permanently in their home. His two nieces are teens, but of legal age. They visit his home frequently for family gatherings and to spend time with their brother.

Luke Bryan realizes he has a lot to feel sad about. He counts his blessings, though, and looks to the positives in his life.

“So many people get record deals in Nashville, and they don’t ever get an album,” he explains. “So I just hang on to the positive and wake up every day grinding.”

Not everyone would take on three orphans. But then again Luke Bryan and his wife aren’t just anyone. They are people who clearly put family above all else.

His sister and her husband are likely smiling down on the scene from above.