
Amanda Seyfried Talks About Gender Pay Disparity In Hollywood

In an exclusive interview with the Sunday Times, Amanda Seyfried has finally spoken out about being victimized as an actress.

“A few years ago, on one of my big-budget films, I found I was being paid 10 percent of what my male co-star was getting,” the 29-year-old Mean Girls star reveals. “And we were pretty even in status.”

The movie star did not say which big-budget film and actor she was referring to, but she gave a few guesses as to why this had happened to her.

“I think people think that just because I’m easy-going and game to do things, I’ll just take as little as they offer,” she said. “It’s not about how much you get, it’s about how fair it is.”

She then added that it is up to every actress to fight for equal wages and decide if they are willing to walk away from something.

The Mamma Mia! star also admitted that there is a long way to go before gender pay disparity in the film industry can be considered a thing of the past.

Her comments echo a national movement fighting for income equality which states that women only make 78 cents for every dollar a man earns.

The Ted 2 star is only one of the many Hollywood actresses that are willing to fight against unfair pay. Many of those actresses opened up about the sexism they have faced throughout their careers.

One of those actresses is Boyhood’s Patricia Arquette who used her Academy Award victory as a platform to support wage equality.

“It’s our time to have wage equality once and for all, and equal rights for women in the United States of America!”