
Sasha Alexander Is Thankful For Her Friends

Sasha Alexander has a lot to celebrate this holiday season!

Her show, Rizzoli & Isles, has been renewed for a sixth season, giving Sasha Alexander another 18 episodes’ worth of work on the immensely popular show.

Now fans of the show can look forward to seeing more of Alexander’s awesome character, Maura Isles, in action!

The season is also a time to celebrate Sasha Alexander’s close friends, whom she says are, “the ones I call and can talk about anything with.”

She added of her special group, “We all have such busy and full lives, and especially when you have children and families, and you’re juggling work and kids, you just don’t get to spend that time together to just say, ‘Thank you’ and ‘You’re so awesome.’ “

We drink wine on days that end in Y. #santabarbara #goodhousekeeping @clarisshair @kmannmakeup @chelsmeistergeneral

Une photo publiée par Sasha Alexander (@thesashaalexander) le

What a great idea. If you have special friends in your life that you’d like to thank, try stealing a few ideas from Sasha Alexander.

“At the end of every year I always feel very reflective, and so I always do a gratitude dinner or a gratitude lunch to thank [my girlfriends] for being there for me, and for being amazing women,” she said of her fun tradition.

I want to do this every day @hilaryshor! #tequila #party

A photo posted by Sasha Alexander (@thesashaalexander) on

Before the celebration even commences, Sasha Alexander ties red yard around each of her friends’ wrists as they arrive.

“It’s an old Italian tradition,” Alexander explains. “It’s something you’re supposed to keep on as long as it stays on.”

She then serves her cherished friends a fabulous Italian meal that is rich in tradition, with many of the recipes being passed down from her mother-in-law, the iconic Sophia Loren.

W/ #sophialoren @michellemonaghan #AFITributetosophialoren #beautiful #strong #inspiring #women

A photo posted by Sasha Alexander (@thesashaalexander) on

What is Sasha Alexander’s favorite dish to serve?

“The ricotta cake is pretty amazing, I have to say,” she says. “It’s pretty awesome, especially if you serve it with raspberries on top!”

What a great way to celebrate all the special people in her life during the holiday season! Do you plan on borrowing Sasha Alexander’s idea for the holidays or do you have your own “thank you” tradition already established?