
Katherine Heigl Tackles Rumors She Is Rude In Facebook Q&A

She’s starred in well-loved projects such as Grey’s Anatomy and Knocked Up, but Katherine Heigl has also battled rumors that she’s a difficult actress to work with. In a recent Facebook Q&A, Heigl addressed these rumors by responding to a fan who asked her why people thought she was “very rude.”

“Honestly I don’t think I am…nothing makes me more uncomfortable than confrontation or hurting someone’s feelings and I would never, ever actively do so on purpose,” said Heigl. “Of course just like any human being I’ve made mistakes and unwittingly or carelessly spoken or acted but I always try to make any wrong right.”

Heigl said that she still abides by the rule of standing up for herself by “drawing boundaries and asking to be treated kindly and respectfully.” She added, “But I don’t do that with any rude or unkind intentions, just with the same strength and honesty I think every one of us is entitled to.”

Last month, Heigl was again put in the spotlight for her professional attitude when Shonda Rhimes, creator, writer and producer of Grey’s Anatomy, talked about her new show Scandal in a profile by the Hollywood Reporter. “There are no Heigls in this situation,” Rhimes said of the Scandal cast. Rhimes also said, “I don’t put up with bulls— or nasty people. I don’t have time for it.”

There’s a lot to keep Heigl’s mind off rumors about her alleged rudeness these days, including her new show State of Affairs, in which she plays a CIA briefer named Charlie Tucker who used to be engaged to the president’s son. Heigl said she was drawn to the character and the story of the series.

“I love that [Charlie] is a strong, intelligent, powerful woman who has these weaknesses and vulnerabilities. I love her patriotism and sense of duty and honor. I love her relationship with the president played by the incredible Miss Alfre Woodard,” Heigl said on Facebook.