
Melissa Jenkins’ Family Reacts To Guilty Verdict

Melissa Jenkins was abducted in March 2012 and was sexually assaulted and killed.

On Wednesday morning, her relatives and friends found some relief and closure when the jury returned with a guilty verdict for one of her attackers.

Allen Prue was found guilty of first degree murder, conspiracy and attempted kidnapping by a jury of his peers, and Melissa Jenkins’ family ended their two-year wait for justice.

He was accused of luring Melissa Jenkins, a 33-year-old mother, out of her home by faking car trouble. He then, with his wife Patricia, sexually assaulted and killed her in cold blood.

“Well, I was getting a little nervous last night at 8 p.m. when they were still in there. But it ended quick this morning,” said Linda Gadapee, Melissa Jenkins‘ aunt.

Martin Beattie, Melissa Jenkins‘ uncle, said, “No one wins. It is another chapter that is taken care of. But we do know that Allen Prue will never hurt another person again. They let him out in chains and it was a good feeling the family needed.”

Her relatives say that the guilty verdict in the trial of Melissa Jenkins’ killer brings a little closure, but the pain of losing Melissa in that way may never go away.

“We don’t get Melissa back, but that monster is off the streets,” said Eric Berry, Jenkins’ cousin.

Vermont doesn’t have the death penalty, but some of Melissa Jenkins’ loved ones say they wish it did.

Residents of St. Johnsbury say their town was changed by the brutal crime that happened in their streets.

“It really upset people and it is two years later and I still get choked up over it. It was totally needless and people think about it they remember it. She was a nice lady and her poor son is going to have to go through life without her,” said Randall Loiacono, of St. Johnsbury.

Now, attention will focus on Melissa Jenkins’ other killer, Prue’s wife, Patricia. Hopefully the friends and relatives of Melissa Jenkins can continue to find closure as they move forward.