
Twitter Adds New Certified Partners

Twitter announced on Tuesday that it has added two new parters to the Twitter Certified Program, which helps businesses find products to make them more successful on Twitter.

These are the first two certified partners to offer solutions for the media and entertainment vertical. They are Fizziology and Networked Insights.

“Fizziology helps studios, networks, production companies, brands and talent measure and contextualize the real-time reactions of audiences to make informed decisions,” explains Twitter’s Lauren Mitcheom. “Fizziology takes an organic and human approach to understanding audiences in a way that technology alone cannot.”

“The SocialSense platform by Networked Insights provides brands and movie marketers with a powerful real-time technology to identify audiences, understand their interests, recommend relevant campaign content, assess brand health and measure purchase stage impact,” she adds. “In addition to providing solutions for the entertainment and media industry, Networked Insights also serves clients across multiple verticals.”

Twitter says it sees over 200,000 movie-related Tweets per day (which actually seems low to me). 87% of moviegoers polled by Nielsen said what they saw on Twitter influenced what they chose to saw.

Twitter now has a total of 28 certified partners. Others include: Adobe Social, Attensity, Brandwatch, BuzzFinder, Conversocial, Crimson Hexagon, Dataminr, DataSift, Engage Manager, Flowics Engage, Gnip, Hootsuite, Lithium Social Web, Mass Relevance, Nielsen, NTT Data, Percolate, Rallyverse, Salesforce ExactTarget Marketing Cloud, ScribbleLive, Scup, Shoutlet, Simply Measured, SocialBro, SocialFlow, Socialmetrix, Spredfast, Sprinklr, Sprout Social, Storify by Livefyre, Sysomos, Talkwalker, True Teller SocialDesk, Unmetric, Visible Technologies, and Wayin.