
Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson: Every Interview Is a Sermon

Every chance Phil Robertson gets, he makes sure to tell someone what he believes. He is an elder and co-founder of his church. He has a reality TV show, which he says gets edited a lot, taking out his many statements about God and faith.

If he gets the chance to talk to a major men’s magazine, he tells them how homosexuality is a sin and enumerates the sins that will send you to Hell.

He holds forth on topics ranging from marriage to foreign policy to moose stew and women in the White House.

Recently, in an interview with Sean Hannity, Robertson even sounded off on his reality TV show, his own fame, and how he is always aware that it will not raise you from the dead.

“Always remember this,” Robertson announced, “television, fame, money – listen, here is a news flash America. Fame cannot remove your sin and all of the money you ever amass cannot raise you from the dead,” Robertson said.

But, since he was on Hannity, he also managed to somehow tie that topic to Obamacare.

“And contrary to what Obama has said about Obamacare, Sean, it’s not going to keep you out of the ground, dude. And not only that, you’re going to spend a lot of money to have it. What I’m giving the American people is eternal health care, and it’s free. Give me a break.”

We’re not sure where Phil read that President Obama had claimed that Obamacare would “keep you out of the ground”, but there you have it.

Robertson is talking a lot like this lately. In addition to his reality TV show, he is pushing a new book, unPHILtered: The Way I See It. Among his views, he espouses replacing “political correctness” with “Biblical correctness”.

In his book, Phil Robertson says, “But now we have men in power who have renounced the Bible, which is the only accurate map of the human heart that has ever been published.”