
Hangouts In Gmail Lets You See Who’s Online More Easily

Google has added a new tab in Hangouts in Gmail to let you see more easily who’s online. The company announced the feature on its Gmail Google+ page. It says:

Starting today it’s easier to see which of your chat buddies are currently online, thanks to a new tab in Hangouts in Gmail. In this new tab, friends who are online are shown first, followed by those who aren’t. Of course, you can still send your offline friends a message and they’ll get it the next time they check Hangouts on their computer, phone or tablet. Plus, you can also now pin your favorite contacts (you know, your mom, your BFFL, or your crush) to the top of your contact list.

Many of you have asked for these features, so we hope you enjoy this update, which will be rolling out over the next few days. If you’re not already using Hangouts in Gmail, simply click on “Try the new Hangouts” under your chat settings to upgrade today. 

Based on the comments people are leaving on the post, it would appear that users think this feature is long overdue.

Image via Google