
Google Adds Features To Web Designer

Google gave an update on what’s been going on with Google Web Designer, which includes some interesting stats and some new features.

During the first half of the year, Google says, DoubleClick Rich Media ad impressions from HTML5 grew 140% year-over-year, and ads built with Google Web Designer garnered 2.5 billion impressions since the launch of the product. Over 20% of its user base are returning users, and 72% are located outside of the U.S.

“Today’s launch provides more granular control and creative flexibility to creative developers and designers, and allows them to easily build more interactive and animated HTML5 content and get it published quickly,” says Google in a blog post. “Revamped Events and Components allow designers to make any element interactive, and customize the types of interactivity within their creative. The updated timeline provides more granular control for designers to easily build animated content. Tighter integrations with Google Drive, DoubleClick Studio, DoubleClick Campaign Manager and AdWords let users collaborate on their works-in-progress and publish finished units more quickly. This integration marks the first time that AdWords will support HTML5 ads.”

Google says it’s also continuing to develop tools to make it easier to build successful cross-screen campaigns, citing recently launched DoublClick features like in-app remarketing, conversion tracking in DoubleClick Campaign Manager, and MRAID 2.0 support in DoubleClick Studio.

“Through its integration with Google Web Designer, AdWords now supports HTML5 ad creatives,” Google says. “In addition, Flash ads that are uploaded to Adwords will automatically be converted into HTML5 ads and can be uploaded via AdWords Editor and other 3rd party tools coming soon. Over the next few months, we’ll also be releasing tools and services that will resize ads to some of the most popular mobile sizes, without requiring any additional work on the part of the agencies.”

Google is hosting a webinar on the 13th to give an overview of Google Web Designer. You can register for that here.

Image via Google