
Kate Upton: ‘I’ve Been Begging For This Body My Whole Life’

Kate Upton has a unique workout regimen — it includes begging for her gorgeous Sports Illustrated swimsuit body.

The 22-year-old beauty talked to Elle UK magazine about her transformation from a “normal catalogue model” to the “hottest supermodel on Earth.”

“When I first started modeling, I was a normal catalogue model,” she said. “Then, I became a woman, and I was really excited about becoming a woman.”

She even shared her biggest secret for the voluptuous body she possesses.

“Because I’m from Florida, it’s all about being in bathing suits. It’s a different view of beauty there. You are ugly if you don’t have a curvy body. And I didn’t have one, and then I got one, and thought, “Yessss!”

‘And then people say: “Oh, wow, you’re healthy.”

‘And you’re like, “Wait – what? I’ve been begging for this body my whole life!”’

Upton didn’t explain who she begged, but it seems to have worked.

Like many other beautiful women, her curvy body can be problematic for the young model. She explained that after she graced the cover of Sports Illustrated for the first time in 2012, she endured a lot of degrading attention from men.

“After my first Sports Illustrated cover, I felt terrible about myself for a solid month,” Upton told Elle UK. “Every single guy I met was either married or about to be married, and I felt like I was their bachelor present or something. I’m not a toy, I’m a human, I’m not here to be used. I am a grown woman, and you need to figure your s–t out.”

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