
Google Maps Coordinate Added To Maps Engine Pro

Google announced on Thursday that it’s giving Maps Engine Pro users access to Google Maps Coordinate, the job assignment app it launched in 2012. Maps Engine Pro, which costs $5 per user per month, launched last fall as a way to give businesses and users a way to collaborate on map creation.

“Using Maps Engine Pro, you can create rich, multi-layered maps, share information with stakeholders and make decisions more collaboratively,” said product manager Jen Kovnats. “Starting today, all Maps Engine Pro users will also have access to Google Maps Coordinate, a mobile and web app that lets teams assign jobs and share their locations with each other in real-time. The new offering combines dynamic data visualization with location-based communication using Google Maps.”

“With the same $5 per user per month subscription to Maps Engine Pro, organizations will have access to this powerful suite of productivity tools,” Kovnats added. “For example, a building management firm can organize the buildings they maintain on a map and when a maintenance call comes in, assign the nearest worker to the job.”

Google is also opening up Coordinate to any user with a Google account. In the past it’s only been available to Google Apps customers.

Users can now purchase Maps Engine Pro with Coordinate, and existing Pro and Coordinate customers can start using the combined app suite.

Images via Google