
Mini Stroke Symptoms: What To Watch Out For

Strokes can be among the scariest things to happen to a person. Often they can come by total surprise.

It’s important to know that in addition to being watchful of a full-on stroke, you should be wary of having mini-strokes.

These mini-strokes are called transient ischemic attacks or TIAs. They occur when a certain part of the brain is deprived of oxygen. The culprit tends to be a small blood clot.

Unlike a full-on stroke, a TIA is usually over within ten minutes and doesn’t cause permanent damage. This can lead an individual to mistakenly believe that TIAs are harmless. This simply isn’t the case.

Experiencing one or more TIAs can serve as a warning that you may soon experience a major stroke!

Anywhere from 200,000 to 500,000 people per year are thought to experience a TIA. Studies find that African Americans as an ethnic group are most at risk. As are the elderly.

Though certain groups are more likely to experience a TIA than others, it’s important for EVERY individual to be mindful of their health in this regard.

What symptoms should you watch out for?

For any stroke or TIA, there is an acronym you should apply called F.A.S.T.

Face drooping

Arm weakness

Speech difficulty

Time to call 9-11

While these are the most common signs that someone is experiencing a TIA or stroke, there are other symptoms to look out for

Sudden weakness or numbness (not just in the face or an arm, but throughout one side of the body, vision problems in one or both eyes, confusion, disorientation, and dizziness are additional symptoms.

If you suspect that you or someone else is experiencing either a TIA or stroke, it’s important to get medical help IMMEDIATELY.

A blood clot may not dissolve on its own; it’s simply not a condition you can afford to “wait out”.

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