
Facebook Expands Business Manager Tool

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On Monday, Facebook announced the expanded availability of Business Manager, which lets advertisers manage all ad accounts, Pages, apps and permissions from one central location at business.facebook.com.

The tool shows you the Pages, ad accounts and apps linked to your brand, the people on your team who can access each, external partners like agencies or Preferred Marketing Developers with access, and Pages, ad accounts and apps your clients have allowed you to access.

“Through Business Manager, you can control all aspects of your business on Facebook. You can add or delete ad accounts linked to your company,” explains Facebook in the announcement. And you can grant/revoke permission to employees and external partners for your ad accounts, apps and Pages.”

“Business Manager is built to help advertisers work better and faster. With one click, admins can add new people to ad accounts and Pages, greatly reducing the time it takes to set up and manage marketing efforts,” the company adds. “For employees and external partners, Business Manager makes it easy to find the things they’re working on.”

The tool also serves as a way to keep business and personal experiences separate, Facebook notes.

While availability has expanded, it’s not rolling out to everyone just yet. A limited number of advertisers in the U.S. will be getting it now, but everyone else should be gaining access within the coming weeks.

Image via Facebook