
NYPD Twitter Disaster Escalates Quickly

electronic devices

Never ask a question that you don’t already know the answer to.

That is the motto of any good trial attorney. The witness stand is no place to ask questions that might reveal things that you are not prepared to deal with. And now that rule is expanding to include Twitter.

In a move that is sure to go down in history as a colossal blunder, the NYPD tossed out the offer to the Twitterverse to tweet pics of themselves with New York’s finest. Folks were invited to post the pics with hashtag #myNYPD.

In the tradition of hijacking hashtag campaigns, similar to how McDonald’s #McDstories and #CheersToSochi were co-opted to their detriment, the floodgates opened on the NYPD public relations campaign.

Soon, tweets with pictures showing NYPD abuses and police brutality were outnumbering the nicer pics of cops in “protect and serve” mode.

Some pictures hearken back to the days of the #occupywallstreet clashes.

Some people are trying to remain the voice of reason in the whole fracas.

And others sum up the obvious.

But, wait. The whole thing is spreading to other cities. There is now a hashtag for #myLAPD:

And then there is this little infographic that sums up a lot of the rage people are trying to express on the topic.

Image via Twitter