
Amanda Bynes Says She’s Ready For A Boyfriend

Recently, we reported that actress Amanda Bynes is on her way back to making a full recovery from the psychological issues she’s been suffering from in the past, because if you remember this time last year, it seems like she was in the press everyday–and it wasn’t because of a new role or her acting skills.

Bynes was heavily in the press because she made several strange tweets, including one to rapper Drake that couldn’t be more scandalous or inappropriate, and she also had a run-in with police after allegedly throwing a bong out of a skyscraper in New York City–and that’s just for starters.

But since that time she’s gotten help from a California mental facility, enrolled in school, and even joined Twitter again, which some might say is a sign the actress is doing much better these days. And according to reports, Bynes is ready to have a boyfriend, but her parents are watching her every move and helping her find one.

“Amanda is in a state where someone could come in and take advantage of her,” said a National Enquirer source. “So her parents are trying to find dates through friends.”

And obviously her parents, Rick and Lynn Bynes, don’t want their daughter dating anyone who could pull her back down or influence her to make bad decisions again, and it seems they want her to date a guy that’s more on the conservative side and not anyone who’s too rough around the edges.

“Her parents are very protective,” said the source. “They won’t let Amanda date just anyone. Bad boy types need not apply.”

Clearly, Bynes’ parents have been her saving grace, because since she left New York for California to live with them, they’ve been involved in every step of her recovery, which has definitely made all the difference, said Bynes’ lawyer Gerald Shargel.

“This is an important step in her rehabilitation,” said Shargel. “I am optimistic about her future and pleased with the result.”

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