
Lindsay Lohan Promotes Her Reality Show


Lindsay Lohan is promoting her new reality show on OWN and has been doing the talk show circuit, and those who have been waiting to see her crash and burn were sorely disappointed on Thursday night when she appeared on “The Tonight Show” and was her old charming self.

The troubled actress is appearing in her own docu-series on Oprah’s network beginning Sunday and the previews look rife with drama; Lindsay starts out with good intentions, but soon she falls back into her old habits of showing up late for shoots or not showing up at all. Oprah has a sit-down with her and frankly tells her to “cut the bullshit“, but Lindsay told Jimmy Fallon on Thursday that the producers chose a tumultuous time in her life to start filming, which is all we’ll see in the beginning.

“It is a television show so they want ratings—they picked the first two months after I got back to New York after I had been in treatment. I became really spiritual over this past year and I have been trying to find peace and serenity in my life. So of course they take the chaos of me moving after eight years of living in L.A. back to the city of New York. So it’s like “Oprah reprimands Lindsay!”” she said.

The previews of the show give us a glimpse of Lilo’s life over the past several months, including a meal with her estranged father that doesn’t end well. The actress, who was most recently seen in “The Canyons” will appear on the CBS hit “2 Broke Girls” next month.

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