
Yahoo Launches Indoor Maps In Latest Search Effort

Yahoo announced that it is now offering indoor maps for some places. The feature comes as the result of a partnership with Nokia, utilizing its Here service.

Yahoo has released maps for various shopping malls, train stations and airports, not unlike efforts we’ve seen from Google in the past.

“The maps are currently available from your computer and include the layout for building levels, an interactive building directory, and contact information for many interior businesses,” Yahoo says in a blog post. “It’s one more option to help you find your way around.”

You can find the maps at maps.yahoo.com where applicable.

Pino Bonetti writes on the Here blog, “When you plan a trip or arrange to meet someone somewhere, a lot of the time that place will be indoors: being able to see and share a map of that location makes complete sense and can save a lot of time wandering around in circles once you’ve arrived.”

“When you’re in a venue, being able to quickly find facilities like cash machines and toilets can make big difference to your happiness,” he adds. “Venue maps from HERE include all these and allow you to see across multiple floors.”

It’s clear that Yahoo is getting more serious about search again under Marissa Mayer. Rumor has it that Mayer hates the company’s search deal with Microsoft, and is working on ways to make itself less dependent on it.

With regards to local specifically, the company recently partnered with Yelp to include business listings.

Image via Here