
WWE Championship Belts Given To Miami Heat Team

Basketball and professional wrestling don’t have much in common, but that didn’t stop LeBron James from handing out WWE Championship belts.

The belts are special for several reasons, they are customized with a Miami Heat logo and personalized for each player and they also symbolize how James feels about the team.

The teammates didn’t waste anytime showing off their new belts and seemed genuinely excited to receive them.

James also bragged about the team and shared photos of them wearing their new belts on his Instagram and Twitter accounts.

While it’s not clear how the real WWE champion feels about the Miami Heat team receiving these belts, it’s safe to say the gift was all in fun and not meant to offend any pro wrestlers.

In fact, several past WWE champions helped James get the belts. When James posted on Twitter asking where he could find a WWE champion belt last year, both Dwayne Johnson and John Cena offered their help.

What do you think of LeBron James’ gifts?

Image via Instagram