
Catherine Giudici-Sean Lowe To Wed Tonight On TV

Sean Lowe and Catherine Giudici prep for their guaranteed lifetime season reality show gig by giving America more of what they want– their lives!

Taking it millions of steps further than the poor saps who document their every occurrence on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook for a few people to care see, the couple are wisely enlisting the use of network money to pay for their wedding celebration by airing it live tonight on television.

If you’re pitifully out of the know, Sean Lowe is a star of the “Bachelor” series, a television show that pits pairs a bachelor with great prospects against with desirable potential romantic partners. Catherine Giudici became the winner of Lowe’s heart, and they have been engaged since March of last year.

Catherine Giucidi, by the way, is a Vegan graphic designer from Seattle. Those last five words should let you know why Sean Lowe instantly fell head over heels for her. Known for her sweet demeanor, as opposed to the general cattiness of most romance reality show competitors, she seals the deal in the Sweet Book by encouraging us to send donations to Micaela’s Army Foundation for kids with cancer for wedding gifts.

Recently, we’ve been privy to tweets and pictures galore reassuring us of their forever love as well as details leading up to the wedding from the doggy grooms-cake

to a well-placed product endorsement of Catherine Giudici’s must-have “Emergency Wedding Kit.”

— there were even a couple of tweets to ward off the Love Haters:

(kudos to not losing your edge, Sean, even in Wild Amazing Love.)

Be sure to catch this moment of history by tuning in to ABC at 8 p.m. EST tonight while you ponder the big questions like, “Will we get to vote on the baby names?” Can’t wait for the next episodes.

Image via Twitter