
Twitter Launches Card Analytics Dashboard

office tech trends

Twitter announced the launch of a new analytics offering for Twitter Cards today, aimed at helping publishers, marketers and developers understand how certain types of cards they’re using are performing.

That includes tweets with pictures, videos, content previews, deep links for apps, and other rich media Tweets.

Now for the first time you can gain insight into how your content is performing on Twitter, and find personalized tips to help make more strategic decisions about your use of Cards,” says analytics product manager Buster Benson. “Along the way, you’ll get insights on how to do even better. Small changes –– using a different Twitter Card, conversing more with the followers who love your content, or installing or changing the location of a Tweet button –– can make a big difference.”

Twitter Card Analytics

Twitter Cards

Users will also be able to see how Twitter users engage with all of their tweets and get insight into their followers (including follower growth rate) in the Twitter Card analytics dashboard.

Twitter tested the offering with a handful of partners including BuzzFeed, NBC News, Time, ESPN, MLB, Flipboard, Etsy, Foursquare and Path.

All card users and advertisers should be getting the new dashboard over the next few days.

Images via Twitter