
Netflix Hits Com Hem TiVo Boxes In Sweden


Last year, Netflix started emerging on a few TiVo boxes from cable providers, beginning with Virgin Media in the UK. Among the deals announced was one with Swedish provider Com Hem.

Now, according to reports, Netflix is available on Com Hem cable boxes. According to Engadget, users need only navigate down to the apps menu, log in, and find the app.

Users will reportedly be able to use their existing Netflix logins to access the service, which is how the Virgin deal worked. In other words, these deals aren’t giving cable providers access to Netflix as part of their service. They’re simply providing more devices upon which existing Netflix customers can watch.

BroadbandTVNews.com shares a quote from Com Hem chief product officer Asanga Gunatillaka:

“The new Netflix app complements and further strengthens our current content offering. We want the customer to be able to access any content they want to watch in one single place, regardless of source. As a TiVo user you now easily can search and browse across all of Netflix’s acclaimed line up, together with all the other great content available through Com Hem. This adds up to thousands and thousands of titles, meaning you can find practically anything you would like to watch through your TiVo.”

Netflix launched in Sweden in the fall of 2012. Com Hem is the first cable provider in the country to offer it.

Netflix is expected to launch in France and Germany next.

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