
Diet Tips For 2014: Best Ways To Stay On Track

Regardless of whether you want to shed a few points or maintain your current weight, it’s important to make sure your approach to better health is sensible. There are all kinds of fad diets out there and some of the “advice” offered can even be harmful. If you’re looking to get over the holiday hump and rid yourself of the excess pounds, here are some tips for staying on track in 2014.

Have Breakfast: For some reason there’s a lot of controversy regarding the should you or shouldn’t you of getting something in your belly during the morning. Studies show that people who have a sensible breakfast in the morning are more likely to succeed in losing weight.

Be Accountable For What You Eat: Whether you count calories or keep a food diary, it’s good to keep an honest assessment of what you eat each day. This doesn’t mean being held hostage to a set calorie total; it just means knowing what goes in your body and observing the effects on your weight and health.

Drink Lots of Water. You might be surprised how many people aren’t properly hydrated. There are different ways to determine how much water you need on an individual level, but several glasses a day is a good rule of thumb. Especially since drinking a good amount of water each day can help you lose weight.

Get Thirty Minutes Of Exercise A Day. While much of weight loss can be attributed to eating well, it’s good to get in some regular workouts. A minimum of thirty minutes a day (you can split up your fitness routines throughout the day if you’re busy), is ideal for getting into shape. If you want to lose weight, aim for getting between 200 to 300 minutes per week.

Have any diet tips to share? Feel free to comment!

Image via Wikipedia Commons.